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Provided an egor object, these functions create a "global" tibble or srvyr's tbl_svy object containing egos, alter attributes, or alter-alter relations. The resulting tables are useful for advanced analysis procedures, e.g. multi-level regressions.

as_tibble() method for egor extracts the currently active component (ego, alter, or aaties) table, optionally joining it with the others, dropping any survey design information.

as_survey() method for egor instead returns a srvyr tbl_svy survey, taking into account any replication due to multiple alters or alter-alter ties incident on each ego. If no design is specified for the egos, then the default design (simple random sample with replacement) is assumed as the starting point.

as_egos_df(), as_alters_df(), as_aaties_df(), as_egos_survey(), as_alters_survey(), and as_aaties_survey() are convenience functions for the as_tibble() and as_survey() methods, activating the corresponding component of the egor object.


# S3 method for egor
as_tibble(x, ..., include.ego.vars = FALSE, include.alter.vars = FALSE)

# S3 method for egor
as_survey(.data, ..., include.ego.vars = FALSE, include.alter.vars = FALSE)


as_alters_df(object, include.ego.vars = FALSE)

as_aaties_df(object, include.ego.vars = FALSE, include.alter.vars = FALSE)

as_egos_survey(object, include.ego.vars = FALSE)

as_alters_survey(object, include.ego.vars = FALSE)

as_aaties_survey(object, include.ego.vars = FALSE, include.alter.vars = FALSE)


x, object, .data

An egor object.


Additional arguments, currently unused.


Logical, specifying if ego variables should be included in the result.


Logical, specifying if alter variables should be included in the result.


A tibble for the as_tibble and *_df functions and a tbl_svy for as_survey and the *_survey functions.


# Load example data

as_tibble(egor32) # Ego table.
#> # A tibble: 32 × 6
#>    .egoID sex   age      age.years country   income
#>     <dbl> <fct> <fct>        <int> <chr>      <dbl>
#>  1      1 m     56 - 65         63 Australia  29930
#>  2      2 m     26 - 35         33 Germany    17885
#>  3      3 m     66 - 100        74 Germany    20805
#>  4      4 w     18 - 25         21 Poland     29565
#>  5      5 m     0 - 17           9 Germany    15330
#>  6      6 m     0 - 17           6 Australia  23360
#>  7      7 m     66 - 100        84 Australia  19345
#>  8      8 w     66 - 100       100 Poland     35040
#>  9      9 m     36 - 45         38 USA        64605
#> 10     10 m     0 - 17          14 Australia  49275
#> # ℹ 22 more rows

egor32 %>%
 activate("alter") %>%
 as_tibble(include.ego.vars=TRUE) # Alter table, but also with ego variables.
#> # A tibble: 384 × 12
#>    .altID .egoID sex   age      age.years country   income sex_ego age_ego
#>     <int>  <dbl> <fct> <fct>        <int> <chr>      <dbl> <fct>   <fct>  
#>  1      1      1 m     46 - 55         48 USA        45625 m       56 - 65
#>  2      2      1 m     0 - 17           5 Germany    52925 m       56 - 65
#>  3      3      1 w     26 - 35         35 Australia  60225 m       56 - 65
#>  4      4      1 w     0 - 17           3 Poland     25550 m       56 - 65
#>  5      5      1 m     66 - 100        97 Australia  45260 m       56 - 65
#>  6      6      1 w     26 - 35         29 Germany     8395 m       56 - 65
#>  7      7      1 m     26 - 35         32 USA        54020 m       56 - 65
#>  8      8      1 w     46 - 55         49 USA        60955 m       56 - 65
#>  9      9      1 m     56 - 65         60 Germany    39055 m       56 - 65
#> 10     10      1 w     46 - 55         52 Australia   7300 m       56 - 65
#> # ℹ 374 more rows
#> # ℹ 3 more variables: age.years_ego <int>, country_ego <chr>, income_ego <dbl>

#> Attaching package: ‘srvyr’
#> The following object is masked from ‘package:stats’:
#>     filter
as_survey(egor32) # Ego table with survey design.
#> Independent Sampling design (with replacement)
#> Called via srvyr
#> Data variables: .egoID (dbl), sex (fct), age (fct), age.years (int), country
#>   (chr), income (dbl)

# Despite alter table being active, obtain the ego table.
(egor32 <- activate(egor32, "alter"))
#> # EGO data with survey design: 32 × 6
#>   .egoID sex   age      age.years country   income
#> *  <dbl> <fct> <fct>        <int> <chr>      <dbl>
#> 1      1 m     56 - 65         63 Australia  29930
#> 2      2 m     26 - 35         33 Germany    17885
#> 3      3 m     66 - 100        74 Germany    20805
#> # ℹ 29 more rows
#> # ALTER data (active): 384 × 7
#>   .altID .egoID sex   age      age.years country   income
#> *  <int>  <dbl> <fct> <fct>        <int> <chr>      <dbl>
#> 1      1      1 m     46 - 55         48 USA        45625
#> 2      2      1 m     0 - 17           5 Germany    52925
#> 3      3      1 w     26 - 35         35 Australia  60225
#> 4      4      1 w     0 - 17           3 Poland     25550
#> 5      5      1 m     66 - 100        97 Australia  45260
#> # ℹ 379 more rows
#> # AATIE data: 1,056 × 4
#>   .egoID .srcID .tgtID weight
#> *  <int>  <int>  <int>  <dbl>
#> 1     20      1      2  0.667
#> 2     25      6     10  0.667
#> 3      9      6      8  0.667
#> # ℹ 1,053 more rows
#> # A tibble: 32 × 6
#>    .egoID sex   age      age.years country   income
#>     <dbl> <fct> <fct>        <int> <chr>      <dbl>
#>  1      1 m     56 - 65         63 Australia  29930
#>  2      2 m     26 - 35         33 Germany    17885
#>  3      3 m     66 - 100        74 Germany    20805
#>  4      4 w     18 - 25         21 Poland     29565
#>  5      5 m     0 - 17           9 Germany    15330
#>  6      6 m     0 - 17           6 Australia  23360
#>  7      7 m     66 - 100        84 Australia  19345
#>  8      8 w     66 - 100       100 Poland     35040
#>  9      9 m     36 - 45         38 USA        64605
#> 10     10 m     0 - 17          14 Australia  49275
#> # ℹ 22 more rows

# Create global alter table
#> # A tibble: 384 × 7
#>    .altID .egoID sex   age      age.years country   income
#>     <int>  <dbl> <fct> <fct>        <int> <chr>      <dbl>
#>  1      1      1 m     46 - 55         48 USA        45625
#>  2      2      1 m     0 - 17           5 Germany    52925
#>  3      3      1 w     26 - 35         35 Australia  60225
#>  4      4      1 w     0 - 17           3 Poland     25550
#>  5      5      1 m     66 - 100        97 Australia  45260
#>  6      6      1 w     26 - 35         29 Germany     8395
#>  7      7      1 m     26 - 35         32 USA        54020
#>  8      8      1 w     46 - 55         49 USA        60955
#>  9      9      1 m     56 - 65         60 Germany    39055
#> 10     10      1 w     46 - 55         52 Australia   7300
#> # ℹ 374 more rows

# Create global alter-alter relations table
#> # A tibble: 1,056 × 4
#>    .egoID .srcID .tgtID weight
#>     <int>  <int>  <int>  <dbl>
#>  1     20      1      2  0.667
#>  2     25      6     10  0.667
#>  3      9      6      8  0.667
#>  4     31      2     10  0.667
#>  5     24      1     12  0.333
#>  6     11      9     11  0.333
#>  7      7      3      6  0.667
#>  8      8      6      7  0.667
#>  9     32      3      7  0.667
#> 10     26      2     10  1    
#> # ℹ 1,046 more rows

# ... adding alter variables
as_aaties_df(egor32, include.alter.vars = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 1,056 × 14
#>    .egoID .srcID .tgtID weight sex_src age_src  age.years_src country_src
#>     <dbl>  <int>  <int>  <dbl> <fct>   <fct>            <int> <chr>      
#>  1     20      1      2  0.667 m       66 - 100            97 Australia  
#>  2     25      6     10  0.667 w       26 - 35             29 Germany    
#>  3      9      6      8  0.667 w       26 - 35             29 Germany    
#>  4     31      2     10  0.667 w       46 - 55             52 Australia  
#>  5     24      1     12  0.333 m       18 - 25             22 USA        
#>  6     11      9     11  0.333 m       46 - 55             48 USA        
#>  7      7      3      6  0.667 w       46 - 55             54 Poland     
#>  8      8      6      7  0.667 w       66 - 100            83 Germany    
#>  9     32      3      7  0.667 w       46 - 55             55 Germany    
#> 10     26      2     10  1     w       66 - 100            89 Poland     
#> # ℹ 1,046 more rows
#> # ℹ 6 more variables: income_src <dbl>, sex_tgt <fct>, age_tgt <fct>,
#> #   age.years_tgt <int>, country_tgt <chr>, income_tgt <dbl>
#> Independent Sampling design (with replacement)
#> Called via srvyr
#> Data variables: .egoID (dbl), sex (fct), age (fct), age.years (int), country
#>   (chr), income (dbl)
as_alters_survey(egor32) # Notice the resulting cluster design.
#> 1 - level Cluster Sampling design (with replacement)
#> With (32) clusters.
#> Called via srvyr
#> Data variables: .altID (int), .egoID (dbl), sex (fct), age (fct), age.years
#>   (int), country (chr), income (dbl)